Previous Studies

In 1999, the CTDOT completed the Southeastern Connecticut Corridor Study which studied the transportation demands and needs of the southeast corridor of the state. That study analyzed existing and future transportation conditions on I-95 and US Route 1. The study identified the need for additional capacity on I-95 and recommended a more detailed study to assess the feasibility of providing a third travel lane in all two-lane sections of I-95 between the Town of Branford and the Rhode Island state line.

Southeastern Connecticut Corridor Study

I-95 Corridor Feasibility Study Final Report

In 2004, the CTDOT released the I-95 Corridor Feasibility Study Final Report focused on Exit 54, in Branford, to the Connecticut/Rhode Island border. The study was prepared as part of Public Act 01-5, Section 16, a project endorsed and funded by the Connecticut Transportation Strategy Board, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The report included near-term improvements and long-term improvements.

I-95 Corridor Branford to Rhode Island Feasibility Study Update

In 2018, the CTDOT released the Final Report for the I-95 Corridor Branford to Rhode Island Feasibility Study Update. Updating the 2004 I-95 Corridor Feasibility Study, this study evaluated the feasibility of adding one operational lane in each direction along I-95 between Exit 54 in Branford and the Connecticut/Rhode Island state line. The report included near-term improvements and long-term improvements.

2019 - 2021

Between 2019 and 2021, CTDOT was preparing an I-95 East Traffic Operations Simulation Analysis Study and an I-95 Corridor Branford to Rhode Island Alternatives Analysis Summary. However, these are being completed as part of the I-95 Eastern CT PEL Study (this study).